
Our goal is to raise $100,000 by March 2025!
Help us raise the first $25,000 during this Advent for these
"Brothers and Sisters of Mine."

Your donation will help us serve more people through our programs and services.


Dios nos llama a un cambio de vida a través de la palabra predicada, la palabra revelada, los sacramentos y las artes en la que participamos como familia en el espíritu.


Vemos la vida como una carrera de fe en la que buscamos crecer a la estatura plena de Cristo en una comunidad de hermanos y hermanas.


Deseamos servir en familia por medio de los equipos ministeriales de la Iglesia y ministerios de servicio y alcance comunitario para así poder compartir el amor de Dios con todos.


Todos somos parte del Reino de Dios.


Restaurar de manera integral a individuos, familias y vecinos para crear un Reino de Dios diverso y amoroso.

Lend a Hand to
Those in Need

Your gift helps families access food, housing, utilities and other support during difficult times.

Create Pathways to

Your gift provides low- cost immigration legal services that leads to citizenship and a brighter future.


Your gift helps parents learn positive parenting skills and build healthier, stronger relationships at home.


Your gift promotes racial healing, cultural understanding, and promotes equity and inclusion.

Empowering the
Next Generation

Your gift supports school achievement, college-ready/career-ready, and leadership programs for youth.

Promoting Health
& Wellness

Your gift promotes physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing initiatives through trusted community leaders.


Your gift helps engage people to improve policies, legislation, and systems to improve quality of life.

Reimagining the

Your gift empowers mission congregations and rural churches to engage with racial- ethnic communities.